Saturday 7 July 2012

Reflection on Video "Tsunami The Aftermath"

            The Aftermath begins not with a crashing wave of water but rather with something far more chilling. A boatload of vacationing scuba divers returns to their Phuket resort after a morning outing on December 26, 2004 and notice all sorts of debris, and then bodies, in the water. At the dock they see that the entire landscape is destroyed, the hotel is in ruins, and everyone, including their families and friends, is gone. As they run through the wreckage screaming, you'll feel chills.
         Among the group is Susie Carter who quickly reunites with her husband Ian but is devastated to learn their six-year-old daughter slipped out of her father's arms and has disappeared. Meanwhile, Kim Peabody has lost her husband but finds her teenage son horribly injured.
             The guy from British Council finds himself unable to provide what his countrymen need. Meanwhile, Nick and his photographer Chai are going around on a motorcycle with a sidecar looking for stories. Then Nick is outraged to discover that the Buddhist monk are burning the bodies that haven't been identified.
                 This is a chilling movie with a fictional drama. The director could make tsunami looks fantastic and u would feel like u were there if u watch the movie..

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